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Gas Energy Australia

Gas in Australia generates over $121 billion in economic activity, while supporting 258,779 local jobs, to fuel 7 million homes and hundreds of thousands of businesses in meeting their daily needs.

Green gases will transform how we work, relax and play, ensuring families and businesses can continue to reliably and affordably use gas - renewable, zero-emitting gases - to 2050 and beyond.

Latest News

GEA welcomes AAA Comet Gas

Gas Energy Australia is pleased to welcome AAA Comet Gas as the Association's newest Member. We appreciate their support and look forward to working with the AAA Comet Gas team, along with all of our Members and Associates, over the years ahead...

GEA welcomes Bundy Hot Gas & AAAGas Logistics as our newest Members

Gas Energy Australia is pleased to welcome Bundy Hot Gas as a new Member, while AAAGas Logistics has increased its stake in the Association by moving from an Associate Member level to full Member. We greatly appreciate the support of all our Members as we strive to ensure LPG remains a vital and vibrant part of Australia's future energy mix...

Supagas increases stake in GEA

GEA advises that long-standing Member company Supagas has recommitted to the Association in a big way, upping its membership from Advisory Council Level 3 to Level 1, with Supagas Managing Director Erol Arican also taking up a position on the GEA Board...

Hot Issues

Future Made in Australia: Unlocking Australia's low carbon liquid fuel opportunity

GEA welcomes the inclusion of Low Carbon Liquid Fuels (LCLFs) as part of the Future Made in Australia Act, recognising that many energy consumers require alternative options to the electricity grid – due either to restricted access to infrastructure or specialised energy needs. We urge close consideration of production capability to produce bioLPG, rLPG and rDME and the positive role these renewable provide in residential, commercial, industrial (including agriculture) and recreational settings...

Safeguard Mechanism - Best Practice Emissions Intensities Update

GEA's submission supports the market-based approach for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), including Renewable Aviation Kerosene (RAK) and Renewable Diesel (RD). Additionally, we would urge recognition of all biofuels, including renewable propane and butane, that will be produced in the manufacturing of RAK and RD...

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System (NGERS)

GEA seeks acknowledgment in NGERS for all relevant and appropriate renewable SAF fuels from equivalent sources, including bioLPG. BioLPG and, ultimately, rLPG, are identical molecular compositions to conventional LPG and can currently be extracted from bio and/or renewable origin, including during RAK and RD production...

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